Thursday, April 20, 2006

Track 9

This may seem strange, but I recently noticed that track 9 on nearly every CD I own is a song that I really like. When I buy a new CD, often it will be because I like the artist or a certain song. While I might like the artist, rarely do I find a CD where I immediately love every song. Generally, a well-known and popular song will be first, followed by some slower, meaningful ballads expressed in a style that may not jive with the "beat" that motivated me to buy the CD in the first place. Then there's track 9. It might be slow. It might be fast. It might be familiar or brand new. Either way, 95% of the time it will be something I thoroughly enjoy. When I buy a new CD these days, I sometimes skip ahead to track 9 just to see. One thing I have discovered, however, is if I will listen to the CD in its entirety, every song will eventually win me over. There are exceptions, of course. But generally, this holds true.

I find myself so often trying to skip ahead to "track 9" in my life. I want to get to the good stuff, the "prize". I don't want to take the time to really listen to what's in the middle. But the middle is often where the best stuff hides. At the end of the movie "Hope Floats," Sandra Bullock makes this statement, "Beginnings are usually scary. Endings are usually sad. It's the middle that counts the most." How true that is!

How many relationships have I missed out on? How many opportunities to serve? How many blessings have I forfeited? All because I am seeking the illusive "track 9." Rather than letting the music of life minister to me, mold me, move me, motivate me and change me, do I simply tolerate it waiting for something better? If only I would absorb the richness of the "words in the middle" and appreciate who I am and what I have now. If only I would let God play out my life's music in the time He composed rather than obsessing over the fast forward button.

There is nothing wrong with "track 9." Nothing wrong with anticipating it, looking forward to it. "Track 9" is a good thing. But tracks 1 through 8 can also be such a rich blessing (often full of meaningful lessons and opportunities for growth). I pray that I will learn to hear and appreciate the blessings in today. Track 9 will get here soon enough, but I don't want to miss one note of blessing to be found in tracks 1 through 8!


Lisa said...

I too find myself wanting to fast forward my life to the future (marriage, family, full-time speaking/writing/teaching ministry,etc.)and miss out on so much in the present. Thanks for the reminder, I needed it!

Glad to see you're blogging again!!

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info
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