Monday, April 24, 2006

The Sign That Never Came

Many times we feel led by God in a certain direction. Rarely does God lead us right into the heart of our comfort zone to do something comfortable and familiar. More often, He leads us into uncharted waters to do something scary and uncomfortable, or at the very least something inconvenient. How many times do we hide behind a sign?

Asking God for direction is perfectly okay and understandable. I don't think God wants a bunch of renegade Christians out there jumping the gun day after day, all in the name of feeling "led." Conversely, I don't think He wants us sitting Buddha-style in our living rooms waiting for a lightning bolt. There are plenty of examples in Scripture where God provided signs to the people (Gen 9:13; Ex 4:5-8; Ex 8:23; Jdg 6:11-24; 1Ki 13:3; Is 38:7 just to name a few). There are also examples of Jesus' not indulging requests for a sign (Mt16:4; Mk 8:12).

How many times have our conversations with God gone something like this:
"What does God want us to do?"
Jesus told them, "This is what God wants you to do: Believe in the one he has sent."
They replied, "You must show us a miraculous sign if you want us to believe in you. What will you do for us?" John 6:28-30

We all want direction, guidance and purpose in our lives. I'm sure most of us have prayed for that at one time or another. Then we receive a prompting or word from God. Many times that isn't enough. We want a sign. A map, a diagram, a playbook. Sometimes God doesn't want to give us a sign. Sometimes He just wants us to believe and step out in faith.

We like to snatch Romans 12:2b right off the page and wear it around on our foreheads: "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." Many times we aren't willing to march one step without that good ol' lightning bolt of "confirmation." But I say, rather than us testing God, maybe He is testing our faith (1Pet 1:7).

There is no pattern or play book. If you feel led by God in a certain direction, of course you should pray about it and seek counsel when appropriate (but do not become bogged down in counsel-seeking either; that can become another crutch we use to hold us back from getting on with the task at hand. And sometimes our brothers can serve to unknowingly tear us down and squelch a dream rather than point us in the right direction - just look at Job). If God continues to remain silent on the confirmation/sign front, yet you cannot shake the tug of the Spirit - I say you've got to step out in faith and begin what you believe God calls you to do.

Many times God won't offer confirmation until after we take the first step. Sometimes not until several steps down the road. Most importantly, continue to listen to His voice above all else. Look for road blocks. Make note of other Believers and scriptures that are in agreement with your path. Don't let fear and doubt wash away your spark. Follow Him blindly, and eventually things will become clear.

I think most of us have that little nagging "thing" in our minds that scares us to death. We wonder if it is from God or if "it's something we cooked up in our minds." We ask for confirmation or a specific sign, like seeing a clown riding a unicycle down the freeway. The "sign" never comes (probably because the clown is smushed to the grill of an 18-wheeler - poor clown), yet we cannot shake the feeling. So we pray for signs, talk to anyone who will listen, and never take one step. At some point, we have to exercise our faith and go for it.

Isn't it time you took that first step? You know the one I mean...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Sometimes I'm so desperate for a sign that I'll take hold of anything that somewhat resembles the sign I'm seeking and take that as confirmation from God. Funny how we equate God's silence with a lack of action...this goes along with my thoughts from the other day about how sometimes it seems like God's not doing anything because we can't see anything going on, but in reality He's doing so much behind the scenes.

Thanks for challenging and sharpening me, as always!