Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Haunted House

"Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
-1 Peter 5:8

Imagine walking through a haunted house. It's dark, the path is crooked and the quarters are usually close. Noises are all around you. You hear screaming in the distance. Someone's fearful breath is on your neck as you huddle together for safety. Your senses are working overtime. As you move through the house, you are aware of every little movement. Anything odd or out of place catches your attention. You expect something to reach out and grab you. You brace yourself in anticipation. Out of nowhere, something shrieks and grabs your sleeve. Instantly, by reflex, you jump and move away.

Preparing for Satan's attacks are much like navigating a haunted house. As we move through life, our senses need to be heightened. We need to be on alert, looking for things that are out of place in our spiritual lives. Satan is going to attack us. We need to anticipate that. If we are prepared, we can react immediately.

We don't need to be so paranoid that we are crippled by fear. When you are in a haunted house, you are, in fact, moving. The key is that you are on alert, looking for things that will attempt to attack you. Thus you are ready to flee the moment something comes at you. You're not leisurely strolling through this haunted house, talking on your cell phone, completely distracted by the mundane.

If we are in tune with God, it will be easier to instinctively turn and run from evil. Satan wants us to take it easy, forget he exists. He doesn't want us to give him a second thought. After all, what hunter wouldn't want to find their prey asleep under a tree?

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

After the fight

Have you ever had a really bad day? Just felt beat up? Cried yourself to sleep, woken up with a weeping hangover? Man, I hate it when that happens. It makes me feel like I have been in a school yard fight. Often that's how I feel after I've had a rumble with Satan. I know he's always lurking around trying to trip us up, but sometimes I feel like we have an all out WWF brawl.

After one of those battles, it always makes me really mad at Satan. Why can't he just leave me alone? Then it occurs to me, his plan really back-fired. Anytime he and I go to rolling around in the grass, I may come out bloody, scratched, bruised and covered with grass stains. But my relationship with God grows. Satan intended to harm me, but he only served to push me closer to my Lord.

I recently read that when you reach a point of despair in your life, you position yourself for God to work in you. So far, that has pretty much held true for me. I sure hate to go through a battle, but I always come out on the other side grateful for the new insights I've received.

"Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly Kingdom. To God be the glory forever and ever."
-2 Timothy 4:18

Hurricane Ivan

Recently hurricane Ivan blew through my area of the country. Because I live in an older neighborhood full of mature trees, I decided to go stay elsewhere with family. As I packed to leave, I walked through the house looking for sentimental items to take with me. As I made my search, I thought, "Okay, in case the roof blows off, save what you really want." I was amazed at what few things I took.

Modern technology and the speed of the storm allowed us plenty of time to prepare. I wasn't running frantically through the house grabbing things as if I only had minutes to spare. I took my time, walking around and really looking for things that couldn't be replaced. During the process, I came to the conclusion that I can live without most of my "stuff." In fact, when my walk-through was over, I basically felt as if I was saying, "Okay, Ivan. I got what I want. You can take the rest."

It makes me wonder why in the world we work so hard and go into so much debt in order to obtain "things." I think I will do a "walk-through" from time to time (regardless of impending disaster) to remind myself that I can live without all of this. Funny how easily distracted we are by bling, huh?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Chased by God

I'm amazed at times by how God chases us. I don't know why I continue to be amazed. This happens to me on a pretty regular basis, probably daily. I guess I notice it more when I am looking for it.
Today God sent me a preacher, sunbeams, tears, scripture, a friend and a phone call to let me know He was in control. Each of these things were seemingly unrelated, yet they were all connected. God weaved together all of these circumstances and people to let me know that He knew exactly where I was. I was not forgotten. He did hear my cries. Even though you know your Daddy is in charge, sometimes you just need that reassuring hand on your shoulder to remind you of His strength.
I wonder how many other days have been this perfectly connected to bring me a message, yet I have been to busy to notice?

"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." -Psalm 34:17-19