Friday, April 21, 2006

Thank God for Toilet Paper!

If you ever pray with me, you may hear me thank God for light bulbs, carpet, air conditioning, socks or any number of seemingly random things. He is the Creator of man, who in turn created modern conveniences such as the paper clip, bookmark, pillow and shoelace. Therefore, I thank the Creator for small, often overlooked blessings such as highliters, windshield wipers, shampoo, and dental floss. Moreover, I try to see God in everything. I have been known to look for the spiritual analogy in a stop sign, a school bus or even a soda can floating in the rain gutter. And sometimes there is no analogy to be found. Sometimes I am just plain ol' grateful to God for giving me something as "trivial" as toilet paper.

Did you know that people in the pre-toilet paper era used things like coconut shells and corn cobs to wipe their tushies? COCONUT SHELLS!! Have you ever seen a coconut shell? More importantly, have you ever FELT a coconut shell? Ouch! Boy, the Charmin quilters would have a field day with that one. Anyway. In case you are looking for something you've been taking for granted - something that seems trivial, but has actually become a necessity in your life - to be thankful for....I'd say toilet paper is your winner, hands down.

Check out this article on the origin of our friend, T.P. It's a quick and interesting read. Then get off the pot and start looking for other mundane and ordinary things that make your life one of ease and luxury. Thank God for the billions of blessings that surround you every day. Maybe He will even help you see Him in something as simple as a toothpick.

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