Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Covenant Marriage

I was blown away tonight when I turned on the evening news and heard a story on Covenant Marriage. They were featuring the governor from the state of Arkansas. That state has passed a Covenant Marriage law, which allows people to enter into a Covenant Marriage by their choice. A Covenant Marriage is different from a regular marriage because there is mandatory counseling prior to marriage. It is much more difficult to get divorced. There are only a limited number of reasons a divorce will be granted (abuse, imprisonment for a felony, or adultery). There is a mandatory "cooling off" period required (sometimes up to 2 years) before the divorce will be granted.

The idea is to help people see marriage as God intended, a life-long covenant between a man and a woman. So far, 3 states have passed these Covenant Marriage laws. 25 more have proposed them. The Covenant Marriage movement was started in an effort to help lower the divorce rate and bring God back into marriages. The governor of Arkansas is going to renew his marriage vows with his wife and convert their marriage to a covenant marriage in Feb 2005.

You should take a look at the Covenant Marriage site. It's amazing! I am so excited to see that God is finally being brought back into our marriages and even our legislature! Congregations can sign up to be Covenant Marriage congregations. I sure hope this movement takes the country by storm. As Christians, we need to stand up for our marriages and families. If Satan can destroy our families, he can destroy our whole existence. Things have gotten so twisted in our society. It's about time things started to turn around!

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