Tuesday, September 28, 2004

After the fight

Have you ever had a really bad day? Just felt beat up? Cried yourself to sleep, woken up with a weeping hangover? Man, I hate it when that happens. It makes me feel like I have been in a school yard fight. Often that's how I feel after I've had a rumble with Satan. I know he's always lurking around trying to trip us up, but sometimes I feel like we have an all out WWF brawl.

After one of those battles, it always makes me really mad at Satan. Why can't he just leave me alone? Then it occurs to me, his plan really back-fired. Anytime he and I go to rolling around in the grass, I may come out bloody, scratched, bruised and covered with grass stains. But my relationship with God grows. Satan intended to harm me, but he only served to push me closer to my Lord.

I recently read that when you reach a point of despair in your life, you position yourself for God to work in you. So far, that has pretty much held true for me. I sure hate to go through a battle, but I always come out on the other side grateful for the new insights I've received.

"Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly Kingdom. To God be the glory forever and ever."
-2 Timothy 4:18

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